If you want to be a dual enrollment academic or linemen student at South Florida State College next school year, it is time to start the process. Your first step is to sign up in the guidance office. Once you sign up, a school counselor will help you through the process.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Student Council will meet this Friday, April 8th, at 8:00 in Room 1407.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
You are all invited to come to watch some amazing and talented volleyball players at our Annual Coed Volleyball Tournament! The opportunity for our boys to show off their skills! Admissions are $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for students. We have 12 teams ready to battle it out and claim that trophy! Games start at 9:00 We will have a concession stand and tacos for sale!
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
There will be a spring football meeting next Wednesday, April 13 for any student wishing to participate in spring football. The meeting will start at 8:10 and will be located in the gym. If you have any questions please contact Coach Kemp.
almost 3 years ago, Melanie B Henderson
If you are interested in cheering for HHS and were not able to attend the meeting on April 5th, please attend a mandatory informational meeting on Thursday, April 14th at 6 pm in the auditorium. A parent or guardian must be present.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Any athlete interested in running Cross Country next fall, please stop by room 1301 and pick up summer camp information and other information about cross country.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
FSA/ELA Writing will be administered tomorrow. Please check your room assignments today and let Mrs. See know if you have any questions. Bring your ID with you and come to school on time so you don’t miss the test.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Please join the band in the auditorium Thursday, April 7th at 6:30 for an awesome night of music. We will be featuring all aspects of the band from solos to concert band to the marching band. Attendance is free but we will have a bake sale!.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Congratulations to the Hardee Sol-Train Solar Go Cart Racing team of Jose Ehrenkaufer, Robert Ehrenkaufer, Maria Mungia, and team captain Jackie Jurado on their multiple awards at the Florida Gulf Coast SunChase solar go kart races this weekend. The team got 2nd place in the Presentation Friday night and first place for fastest single race, first place for fastest overall time, and first place overall champions. Congratulations on the terrific job you did this weekend!
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
FBLA will be having a meeting in Mrs. Thomas’ room on Wednesday, April 6th at 8:00 am
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Seniors, 3 local companies opened up their doors for you to come to visit their facilities on April 12th. These are Pacer, Stream2Sea, and Hardee Fresh. If you would like to go on this field trip, please stop by the front office to add your name to the list. There is a limited number of students that we can take, so please hurry up. Thank you
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Hardee Senior High Students, Please join us for our HHS Mental Health Night for both parents and students today, March 31st, @ 5:30 PM in the HHS auditorium. Our district mental health counselors and agencies serving Hardee County will discuss some critical issues that many teens face today, anxiety and depression. Pizza and drinks will be provided. PRIZES also!
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Please join the band in the auditorium Thursday, April 7th at 6:30 for a fantastic night of music. We will be featuring all aspects of the band, from solos to concert band to the marching band. Attendance is free, but we will have a bake sale!.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
If you are a dual enrollment academic or linemen student at South Florida State College, it is time to get registered for fall courses. You need to see Dr. Crawford or Mrs. Blandin at the college to get your schedule. Remember to bring this schedule to your school counselor to get registered for next year.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
FSA/ELA Writing will be administered April 5th for all 9th and 10th graders. 9th graders, this EOC will determine your next year’s class placement and 10th graders this EOC is required for graduations. So, please plan to attend. The FSA/ELA test has 3 parts: Writing, Reading 1 and Reading 2. You have to take all 3 parts in order to receive a score.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Calling all VOLLEYBALL fans...including you boys! Our 2022 Coed Volleyball Tournament is April 9, 2022. Pick up a registration form for your team in the front office. See Coach Mier in room 201 for more information or to drop off money and registration form BY APRIL 6TH!
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
There will be an FCA huddle tomorrow at 8 am in room 1410. We will have a special speaker so you don't want to miss it! Anyone is welcome to attend. See you there!
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Congratulations to our winter guard team for competing in the championships this weekend. The team earned a top 10 placement. We are so proud of all your hard work!”
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Attention, Juniors, and Seniors! Are you ready to dance the night away? Purchase your prom tickets today for only $25. We are proud to announce that you may now purchase tickets online at GoFan.co OR with cash during your lunches. Find Mrs. See of Mrs. Maddox to purchase tickets with cash. Do not forget to fill out and return your “Stay Classy” form, however you purchase the tickets. If you are inviting an out-of-town guest, be sure to complete that form as well. We can not wait to see you all on Saturday night at the Civic Center. The prom will be held from 8:00 -12;00 AM., but it will feel like “midnight in Miami” all night long.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
There is a Culinary Club meeting on Wednesday, March 30 in the culinary lab right after school. Please plan to attend.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High