Juniors, support your class by purchasing a class of 2024 t-
shirt to show off your school spirit. Purchases can be made
with Mrs. Patterson or Mrs. Duncan in the guidance office.

Class of 2023
Senior Meeting Aug. 30th @ 8:45
Deadline to order Senior Banner & T-Shirt: Aug. 31st

There will be a Freshman Parent Night on Monday, August 22nd from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. We will be discussing how to navigate high school, graduation requirements, and much more. Please join us.

sidewalk until all buses have entered the loop and stopped. Do not
cross the road until given permission by someone on duty.

Mrs. Godwin would like to give a shout out to her CNA classes who are
learning about the conduction system of the heart. It is very challenging
material, but Mrs. Godwin says, “I am very impressed by your dedication and
your eagerness to learn. You remind me daily of why I teach. Thank you”.

FCA will be hosting their first huddle Tuesday
August 23rd at 8:00am in room 1410. Everyone is
welcome to attend.

SWAT (Students working against tobacco) will have their first meeting
Thursday August 18th at 4:00PM at the Hardee County Health Department.
This meeting is open to EVERYONE, you do not have to be a member to
attend and food will be provided. If you need transportation to and from
the meeting contact 863-864-9015 for information.

Reminder that ID’s must be visible above the waist and worn at all times while on campus.

Student Drivers- Friday is the last day that you can park in the student parking lot
without a permit. You will need to purchase one before the end of the week.

HOSA will be holding their first meeting on Friday August 19
th at 8:00am in room 802. Anyone is welcome to attend and see what all
HOSA has to offer.

Underclassman pictures will be Friday, August 26th in the auditorium. Students will be escorted to the auditorium during their English classes. If you do not have an English class on campus, please have your picture taken before school or before you leave campus on that Friday. Picture information is available in Mrs. Dewey’s classroom, room 45.

Juniors, support your class by purchasing a class of 2024 t-
shirt to show off your school spirit. Purchases can be made
with Mrs. Patterson or Mrs. Duncan in the guidance office.

Key Club will be holding their first meeting this Thursday, August 18th at
8:00 am in room 1413. If you are interested in joining feel free to attend.
All students are welcome!

Class of 2023: Prestige will be on campus in the cafeteria on August 2, 3, 4, 5, as well as 8 & 9. There is a $10 sit fee due at the time of pictures. You must sign up online for an appointment. If you did not receive a postcard from Prestige, call 1-800-292-3715 - Select option 2 then option 1. If you have questions, email Mrs. Dewey - kdewey@hardee.k12.fl.us

Students, we have a couple of Boot Camps available for you:
Geometry EOC Bootcamp is this week starting today through Thursday from 3:30 to:30 pm in Mrs. Hinerman’s room 703.
Algebra and Biology EOC Bootcamp starts next week from Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30. Biology in Mrs. Hays's room 707 and Algebra in Mrs. Graham’s room 313. Get your permission form from your Algebra and Biology teachers.

There will be a spring football meeting next Wednesday, April 13 for any student wishing to participate in spring football. The meeting will start at 8:10 and will be located in the gym. If you have any questions please contact Coach Kemp

If you are interested in cheering for HHS and were not able to attend the meeting on April 5th, please attend a mandatory informational meeting on Thursday, April 14th at 6 pm in the auditorium. A parent or guardian must be present.

Any athlete interested in running Cross Country next fall, please stop by room 1301 and pick up summer camp information and other information about cross country.

Thursday will be Cultural Dress Up Day! Research your heritage and wear a costume to share your culture with us. Submit a picture of your cultural costume AT SCHOOL by 8:30 AM jujohnson@hardee.k12.fl.us. Faculty will vote on their favorites and the winners will be crowned Culture King and Queen. ****NO disrespect, intolerance, or degradation of a culture nor insensitivity toward any race or culture will be tolerated, and disciplinary action will be taken. This week is about respect and inclusion. Be a good human. ALL DRESS CODE RULES MUST STILL BE FOLLOWED!

10th and 11th graders who took the PSAT this year at HHS, please listen up.
The 2022 College Board National Recognition Program application opens on April 15. Sophomores and juniors who have taken the PSAT will receive an email from College Board inviting them to apply beginning April 15th. Be sure to read an email that you will receive from College Board