Boys and girls: If you are interested in trying out for football, basketball, or competition cheerleading, there will be a mandatory tryout meeting on April 5th at 5 pm in the auditorium, you and a guardian must attend. Tryouts will begin 25th-29th. We are now offering cheerleading as co-ed! Let’s look forward to cheering on our Wildcats!
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Seniors needing a concordant score for Reading or Math are scheduled for the SAT School Day this Wednesday, March 23rd. Please check with your 1st-period teacher to find your test room location.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Students, is your GPA 3.0 or higher? Do you like to play trivia and answer challenging questions? We have the right club for you: ACADEMIC TEAM. Come join us every Wednesday after school and become part of our A TEAM family.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Attention, Juniors and Seniors! Thinking of buying a Prom ticket? Today during lunches, our DJ will be here in the Commons to help you decide! Come out to the Commons for a Prom Preview after you finish your lunch. You will feel like it's "Midnight in Miami!"
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Seniors: Do you consider yourself royalty? Make it official and sign up to be the 2022 Prom King and Prom Queen in Mrs. Tinoco's room, number 41. Stop by and add your name to the ballot. Your crown is waiting for you!
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Seniors needing a concordant score for Reading or Math are scheduled for the SAT School Day this Wednesday, March 23rd. Please check with your 1st-period teacher to find your test room location.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
SENIORS: Ag Angels will be offering a vocational scholarship for students interested in a trade: electricians, building construction, plumbing, refrigeration, nursing, welding, cosmetology, and linemen just to name a few. Access to the scholarship application will be made through a QR Code. We will share the QR code as soon as it comes available.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Alpha Zeta Pi - Join us Tomorrow night at Wauchula Elementary School at 5 p.m. for their Science Night. We will manning booths for Slime-making, Robotics, Newtonian Wheel of Science, and Electricity. Sign up with Mr. Beatty or Mrs. Barton. This is a fun way to earn Community Service Hours. Also, those attending the Forum this Saturday at Florida Southwestern State College, turn in your permission forms to Mr. Beatty.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Good morning, Hardee Senior High School! Happy Monday! Welcome back students and faculty, we are glad to see you this morning.
almost 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Good luck to our band students performing at their district music performance assessment tomorrow. We are proud of your hard work and hope you have a great performance!
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Next week, Tuesday and Wednesday we will administer the last retakes of the year 2021-2022 - Algebra 1 EOC. Please check the media center windows for your name and testing room location.
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Students, as we enter the busy season of testing, you are required to have your IDs with you at all times when you enter a test room. Please make sure you don’t forget it at home and if you lost it, replace it immediately.
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Congratulations to the Girl's Tennis Team on their win over Lake Placid last night. Great job, ladies!"
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
Gifted students, there is a meeting for you in the Media Center Thursday during lunches. Please check your google classroom and complete the form that Mrs. Smith placed there for you.
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
The Culinary Club will have its February meeting on Wednesday, February 23rd. Immediately after school in the culinary lab.
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
AZPi members, turn in your permission forms to attend the STEM Forum at SFSC on March 5th. We will meet at 8 a.m. in front of the office. Wear your AZPi t-shirt and bring $5 for lunch.
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
A Special message from Mr. Graham: Next year we are starting a new beginning band class that is available for anyone! This does not require any prior experience playing an instrument. You will most likely need to rent an instrument. In this class, you will learn the basics of playing a wind or percussion instrument and have the opportunity to audition for the Marching Band, Concert Bands, and Jazz Band. Participation in the band program will require director approval based on an ability test. This is a great way to learn an instrument, make friends, and join the band family! Please enroll in Introduction to Music Performance #1300350 if you are interested in learning an instrument and joining the band! If you have any questions, please email me!
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
IMPORTANT for 11th Grade Students: On March 2nd, the SAT will be administered here at HHS to all 11th-grade students. This test is college reportable, cost-free, and is a great opportunity to achieve a strong SAT score. Study guides will be distributed in your US History classes. If you are a DE student, stop by the front office to see Mrs. Maddox for your study guide
about 3 years ago, Melanie B Henderson
Hosa will be selling special strawberries for Valentine's day! Please contact Mrs. Godwing or a Hosa member if you would like to preorder these delicious treats. $1 for one jumbo strawberry and $1 for 2 small strawberries. AVID will sell carnations on Valentine’s Day. The cost is $2.00. Please bring cash with you that day so you can purchase a pretty flower for that “special someone.”
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High
ELL students, we will have a Lunch And Learn gathering this Thursday, February 10th, during B lunch in the Media Center. Please come ready to hear some important information and don’t worry about lunch because Pizza will be provided. Estudiantes de ELL, vamos a tener una comida y apendizaje el proximo jueves Febrero 10, 2022 durante el tiempo de lonche B. Por favor venir preparado por tu lonche porque se proveera Pizza.
about 3 years ago, Hardee Senior High