Attention Freshman Parents and Students: There will be a freshman class meeting tomorrow at 6:00PM to discuss the homecoming float. We will be meeting in room# 713.
Also if you haven’t already joined the freshman class Remind, the link is posted below. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.

There is a JV football game tonight @ 7:00 pm. Remember to purchase your tickets in advance!

Tomorrow is College Wednesday. Don’t forget to wear your college gear. Freshman sponsors will be selling snow cones during lunch for $2.

If you are a Junior or a Senior who missed Reading Retakes yesterday, there will be a make-up day tomorrow. Please report to the media center at 8:25.

Hosa will meet on Friday morning @ 8:00 am in
Mrs. Godwin’s room.

-The CULINARY CLUB will have its first meeting on Monday, September 11th after
school from 3:30 to 5:00pm in the culinary lab, room 801. You don't have to be in
a culinary class to attend. All are welcome.

Senior sunset will be on Saturday, September 16 at the stadium at 6:30am. Bring a chair or a blanket and come hang out with your friends.

Picture day is today. If you are a DE student please stop by the auditorium before you leave campus.

Picture day has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 5th. Staff may begin taking pictures @ 7:30am in the auditorium. DE students need to go in the morning or before you leave campus

Varsity Football tonight against Frostproof Bulldogs at 7:30. The game theme is Neon Out, so make sure to be decked out in your neon attire. Also, remember to sit in the correct student section next to the band.

Hosa will meet on Friday morning @ 8:00 am in Mrs. Godwin’s room.

The robotics will have a meeting on Wednesday 08/30 at 8:00am in room 304.

If you are interested in being in the school play this semester, please come to the initial interest meeting this Wednesday, August 30th at 3:30pm in the Auditorium. Audition and rehearsal information will be given at this meeting. Please contact Ms. Wing if you have any questions in advance.

Leo club will meet TOMORROW @ 8am in Mrs. Kelley’s classroom (Portable 35), she will be serving donuts and juice, so don’t miss out!

Sophomore Parent Night will be TONIGHT @ 6 pm in the auditorium

Students, if you are planning to attend the football game on Thursday, please use the QR code or https://gofan.co/app/school/FL5892 to purchase your ticket. No discounts will be given at the game. All tickets at the gate will be $7.

Sophomore Parent Night will be on Monday, August 28th @ 6 pm in the auditorium. We hope to see you there!

Hosa will be meeting for the first time TOMORROW at 8:00 am in Mrs. Godwin's room. It is open for anyone who wants to go into the medical field.

Attention Seniors, TOMORROW is the deadline for T-shirt and banner orders!

The robotics team will have an informational meeting in Room 304 on Tuesday 08/22 @ 8am.