-The deadline for pre-ordering yearbooks is Friday, November 3, 2023.
Please see Mrs. Dewey in room 45, any yearbook staff member, or order online -
ybpay.lifetouch.com - Yearbook ID Code: 15094824.
Underclassmen - $45 and Seniors with namestamping/nameplate - $50

-Underclass Picture Retakes will be on Wednesday, November 1, in room #45 from 8:00
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You must email Mrs. Dewey to make an appointment.

Costumes will be permitted on Tuesday, October 31st if you follow the rules when selecting costumes. Dress code rules will continue to be enforced.
No masks
Costumes should be dress code appropriate--not revealing and meets length requirements
No prop weapons--including Nerf guns
No costumes that are revealing, offensive, or distracting
Please select your costume appropriately and make this a fun activity for all. If you have questions, please let us know.

-If you are interested in signing up for a FREE SAT/ACT Boot Camp, see Mrs.
Dean in the front office to reserve a spot!

-There will be an FSA ID Help Night on Monday night at 5:30pm in the auditorium.

Check out the HHS STEM & CTE Night, October 24. See flyer or News for details.

FBLA will be having their first meeting on Tuesday, October 17 @ 8:00 am in Mrs. Foreman's room, room 805. Everyone interested in FBLA is welcome.

-The CULINARY CLUB will have its October club meeting on Monday October 16
immediately after school in the culinary lab, room 801. Everyone is welcome. We will be
selecting our club Officers and taking our yearbook picture at the meeting.

-Don’t forget to stop by the media center to view the traveling pop up museum from the
Mel Fisher Maritime Museum located in the Florida Keys. This year's topic is "Florida's Hidden History".

SALT will meet on Wednesday @ 8:00 am in room 707.

-Don’t forget to wear a college or career shirt tomorrow. You could win a Prize!

-Our varsity football team will be taking on the Clewiston Tigers at 7:30 pm
tonight. The game theme is blackout, so make sure to be decked out in
your full black attire!

-Senior DE students: Beginning Monday, October 2, please stop by SFSC and see
Dr. Crawford to begin working on your Spring schedule.

-Student Council will be outside the front offices during lunches with Stay Classy
and Out of School Date Forms. These forms are required to be completed and
returned to purchase a ticket for the homecoming dance.

-Congratulations to our Senior Student of the Month, Bryson Johnson. We are very
proud of you Bryson, keep up the good work!

Homecoming Court applications are available in the front office. They are due on Thursday, September 28th. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Huddleston or Mrs. Cartwright.

Auditions for the school play will be this Friday, September 22nd from 3:45 to 5pm in the auditorium. The play is a comedy and open to all students who are interested.

Homecoming Court applications will be available starting today. They are due on Thursday, September 28th. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Huddleston or Mrs. Cartwright.

HHS guidance counselors will be hosting a senior parent meeting tomorrow evening at 6:00 PM in the HHS auditorium. Important information will be shared so you do not want to miss it.

Attention Freshman Parents and Students: There will be a freshman class meeting tomorrow at 6:00PM to discuss the homecoming float. We will be meeting in room# 713.
Also if you haven’t already joined the freshman class Remind, the link is posted below. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.