Listen up. Many of you may be looking for a concordant score to meet your
graduation requirements. There is a class here on Saturdays that can help
you raise your SAT and ACT scores. It runs from 8am until noon. If you are
interested in learning more, send Ms. Collom an email or pop by her room,

Thank you so much for supporting the Chorus program last night. Don’t forget the Band
concert tonight at 6:30. Come enjoy a wonderful showcase of music by our HHS students.

The Drama Club regrets to announce that due to circumstances beyond their control, the show
on Wednesday, May 10th has been canceled. We will have a final meeting before the school
year ends. The date of that meeting will be announced by the end of the week.

Baseball Tuesday 5/9 @7pm AWAY @Lemon Bay.
Softball Wednesday 5/10 @7pm HOME vs Lemon Bay.
Yadira Sanchez is headed to represent Hardee at state in Jacksonville on May 18th for
the 2nd year in a row

Calling all CURRENT 10th grade, soon to be JUNIORS. Are you interested in a scholarship
program, in which you are able to travel once a month throughout Hardee County and learn the
leadership behind each and every aspect? Application and participation details can be found on the
flyer below:

Any students who are wanting to run cross country next fall, please stop by Coach Beatty’s
room, room 1301 before or after school or between classes to pick up information on
summer conditioning and to sign up for the Remind.

The Hardee High School Drama Club is proud to announce its upcoming show on Wednesday,
May 10 at 4:00 PM in the auditorium. If you would like to take part in the talent show portion,
please come out on Wednesday, May 3 or Thursday, May 4, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. and show us
your talent. The talent show is open to all students and staff at Hardee High School and we
would love to get several of you to participate. Come on out and show us your talent!

Calling all CURRENT 10th grade, soon to be JUNIORS. Are you interested in a scholarship
program, in which you are able to travel once a month throughout Hardee County and learn the
leadership behind each and every aspect? Application and participation details can be found on the
flyer below:

There will be an informational meeting in broom 1321 Coach Smith's room on Friday at 8:00
a.m. for any girls interested in playing Basketball next school year. Camp information and a
summer workout schedule will be provided. Thanks, Coach Smith

The culinary club will have its last meeting of the year on Wednesday, May 3rd,
immediately after school in the culinary lab.

Softball vs Mulberry 6:30pm
Congratulations to the Varsity baseball team on their win over Lake Placid last night.
Softball and Baseball will move onto DISTRICTS next week

FCA meets every Tuesday morning in room 1410 at 8am. We
would love to see you there. Invite a friend.

We will be conducting elections for the 23-24 school year Junior Class President and
Sophomore Class President. Voting will end at 3:30 today. So, all Sophomores and Freshman
please vote with the link sent to your emails before the end of day.

Softball vs Bartow 7:30pm
Varsity Baseball vs Lake Placid 7pm
Congratulations to the track and field team on placing 3rd in Districts and congratulations to
the 29 students we have moving on to Regionals.

Good luck to our track & field teams. They will be traveling to Lake Placid today for Districts
Varsity Baseball @ St. Johns Newman (Naples)

The drama club will meet today from 330 until 6:00 PM in the auditorium. We will be putting on
costumes and going through the play so please make every attempt to be there as this is an
important practice.

It’s time to Rock N Roll for Prom week. Dress up days have begun.
Wednesday wear your favorite band t-shirt.
Thursday dress up as your favorite star
Friday will be paparazzi for the King and Queen Candidates. Everyone else dress up as a
fan club member, or reporter.

This is a reminder to ALL students that IDs should be
worn both inside and outside the classroom.

Listen up. Many of you may be looking for a concordant score to meet your
graduation requirements. There is a class here on Saturdays that can help
you raise your SAT and ACT scores. It runs from 8am until noon. If you are
interested in learning more, send Ms. Collom an email or pop by her room,
room 1402.

Yearbooks are available for pickup or purchase ($60) in room #45