Homecoming Tickets
Tickets go on sale today, Tuesday, October 1st, through Wednesday, October 9th during both lunches. Tickets will be sold at the window in the front office breezeway.
$10 for one / $15 for two
Stay Classy Forms must be presented to purchase a ticket.

Boys Golf @ Sebring – Tee time: 4:00 PM
JV/Varsity Volleyball @ Desoto HS – Game times: 6:00 PM (JV) / 7:00 PM (Varsity)
Girls Soccer Conditioning –
Girls interested in soccer will meet today after school at the Hardee Soccer Fields from 4:00 to 5:30 PM.
Additional conditioning dates: October 3rd and 8th.

JV/Varsity Volleyball: @ IMG, game times are 6:00/7:00 PM.
Swimming/Diving: @ FSPA Invitational in Ocala, meet starts at 8:00 AM.

Girls Soccer: Conditioning on Oct. 1st, 3rd, and 8th from 4:00 to 5:30 PM.
Girls Soccer Tryouts: Oct. 9th and 10th from 4:00 to 6:00 PM.
Boys Soccer Tryouts: Oct. 9th and 10th from 3:45 to 5:30 PM.

The Hardee vs. Mulberry football game scheduled for tonight has been rescheduled to Monday, September 30 at 7:00 p.m.

Due to the weather forecast, the school district will be closed on Thursday, September 26th. There will be no school on Thursday, and all after-school activities are canceled. We will return on Friday, September 27th.

The Culinary Club will hold its October meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd, immediately after school in the culinary lab from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. All are welcome!

Tropical Storm Helene -
Updated information from the 5:00 p.m. advisory:
Hardee County is now under a tropical storm warning. Rain will begin tomorrow late afternoon/ evening with the winds on Thursday expected to gust to 50-60 mph along with 3+6 inches of rain. Weather should improve on Thursday afternoon/ evening.

The school district will be open for business tomorrow (Wednesday, September 25) as scheduled. Due to the forecast track, intensity, and the posting of a tropical storm watch for Hardee County, the school district will be CLOSED on Thursday, September 26 and plans to REOPEN on Friday, September 27 if the weather permits a safe return. As usual, we will keep you posted with the latest updates. Please be safe!

Girls Golf: Today, our Girls Golf team will compete at Lake Wales Golf Course. Tee time is 4 PM. Best of luck to our players!
Swimming/Diving: Swimming and diving will take place today at Sebring High School. Meet time is 5:30 PM. Come out and support your Wildcats!

Boys Golf vs Lemon Bay High School at The Bluffs Golf Course – Tee time at 4:00 PM – HOME
JV/Varsity Volleyball at Sebring High School – Game times 6:00 PM (JV) and 7:00 PM (Varsity)
JV Football vs Frostproof High School – Kick-off at 7:00 PM – HOME
Girls Golf vs Avon Park High School – Tee time at 4:30 PM – AWAY

Boys Golf @ Arcadia GC, vs DeSoto HS, tee time 4:00 PM
JV/Varsity Volleyball vs Fort Meade HS, game time 6:30/7:30 PM - HOME
Swimming/Diving @ Gandy Pool, Lakeland, meet time 5:30 PM

Starting today, HOMECOMING COURT FORMS are available in the Media Center from Tuesday, September 17th - Friday, September 20th. Forms are due by Friday at 3:00 PM. Check your email for more information.

Welcome back to school! School starts August 12th. Check out our back to school information page.

-Come out and see the spring play this Wednesday and Thursday at 6pm in the auditorium.
Admission is free for students and it is going to be a great show. Don't miss out!

Please mark your calendars for our annual College and Career Fair that will take place on Thursday, March 28th in the gymnasium. All students will have an opportunity to attend this event! This is a great opportunity for students to meet face-to-face with colleges and businesses in our community.

WooHoo! Congratulations to Fabian Molina for receiving a scholarship to South Florida Community College. He will be pursuing a career in the culinary field. We are very proud of you, Fabian!

-Congratulations to Jennifer Gonzalez-Delacruz! She was selected as a Youth Tour Delegate by Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. She will be joining Gracyn Thomas in traveling to the U.S. Capital in June for Youth Tour. A BIG Thank You to PRECO for sponsoring this incredible opportunity!

-Congratulations to Gracyn Thomas! She was selected as a Youth Tour Delegate by Peace River Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gracyn will travel to the U.S. Capital in June for Youth Tour. A BIG Thank You to PRECO for sponsoring this incredible opportunity!

-A BIG congratulations to Will Cornell, Weston Trott, Jay Southwell, Russel Bryant, Warren Bryant, and Austin Chapman of the Parliamentary Procedure Team. They placed 1st in districts and are moving on to State! In addition, Parker Humprey placed 2nd in Tractor Driving at districts! Way to go boys!