Boys Swim/Dive @ state, Sailfish Splash Waterpark and Aquatics Center, Stuart @9am

FBLA is hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive now through November 18th. Please
deliver all donations to Mrs. Thomas or Mrs. Foreman in rooms 804 & 805

Friday November 11th is the LAST day for NEW DE students to sign up in guidance.

The Hardee County School District will reopen for business as usual on Friday, November 11 for all students and staff.

Tomorrow is College and Career Wednesday hosted by the Key Club. During lunch you will
be able to purchase your favorite College’s Color in a bracelet for $3. Support the Key Club and show your college colors.

FBLA Club pictures will be taken Wednesday morning at 8:10 am between rooms
804 & 805.
FBLA is hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive now through November 18th. Please
deliver all donations to Mrs. Thomas or Mrs. Foreman in rooms 804 & 805

Congratulations to Laryn Christian for passing all three levels of the All State music tests and being selected to
sing in the 2023 All State High School Choir at the All State Convention in January at the Tampa Convention
Center. Great job, Laryn!!

Any student interested in auditioning for the school play, audition papers are available in room 47
or at the front desk. Auditions will take place Tuesday and Thursday this week from 4-6pm.

Seniors that were voted class favorites
will have pictures This Friday at 8:30am
in the commons. See Mr. Mendoza for more

Boys Basketball tryouts will be this week at4:00 in the Gym. Please be sure to
have your blue slips.

Junior and Seniors please check for an email from Ms. Duncan in reference
to Prom. In the email is a Google form that you need to complete by 3:30
Wednesday, November 2nd

Seniors - Friday, November 11, is the deadline for pre-ordering a yearbook with namestamping - $50 -
and paying for your senior ad.
Underclassmen - Friday, November 11, is the deadline for pre-ordering a yearbook - $45.
If you have questions, see Mrs. Dewey in room 45 or email her - kdewey@hardee.k12.fl.us

There will be an FBLA meeting this Thursday in Mrs. Thomas' room at 8:00 AM. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs.
Foreman would love to see you there!

Drama Club will have practice for the Christmas production of "A Nightmare Before Christmas" this
Wednesday in the auditorium. Anyone interested in auditioning or helping with the play in any aspect, please
come out Wednesday from 4:00 until finished. We will meet from 4:00-6:00 every Wednesday starting next
week. We will no longer hold Thursday practices. Come join us and help us bring the theater to HHS!

HOME FB game on Monday 10/31. We will play Poinciana HS, kick-off time will be @7pm. This will also be
our Senior Night for FB, cheer, band and JROTC. Gates will open at 5:30 so that we can
recognize our SENIORS!!

Congratulation to Eliza Thomas for placing 3rd in the nation for Agriscience in the category of
Food Products and Processing at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN. So proud of
your accomplishments.

Culinary Club will have it's November club meeting this Wednesday(Nov 2nd)
immediately after school in the culinary lab. No need to sign up.

Student Body Officers will have a meeting Wednesday
morning at 8am in the front office. Please plan on
attending this meeting.

V Football @ Clewiston HS Kick-off 7:30pm
Girls Golf @The Bluffs (Senior night)
Saturday 10/22- Girls and Boys Cross Country @North Port for DISTRICTS 8:30am

Tickets sales for Homecoming will begin Monday and continue thru
Thursday. 8-8:30 each morning at the north window of the front office and
each day during lunch outside the front office. DE and virtual student can
come thru attendance during the lunch times to buy your ticket. Tickets will
be $10 for one and $15 for two.