About North Wauchula Elementary

About the School


North Wauchula Elementary at a Glance

Welcome to the North Wauchula Elementary School (NWES) website.  It is our hope that this website serves as a useful tool to you, which provides helpful information about our school and the activities taking place there. 

NWES is a Title I school located in the rural and largely agricultural community of Wauchula, Florida.  NWES is the northern-most of two elementary schools in Wauchula.  North Wauchula Elementary is a well-maintained, brown brick facility that opened in November of 1976 as a K-3 school and later became a K-2 school.  In 2003, NWES transitioned from a K-2 school to a K-5 school, and remains so today.

NWES is an AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Elementary Certified School.  AVID Elementary supports AVID’s mission to: “Close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society”.  NWES supports students through AVID strategies which enhance students' readiness for secondary learning experiences, as well as by providing a college and career aware environment.

In addition to the AVID program, the integration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)  into instruction is an emphasis at NWES.  Students in first through fifth grade each have access to a Chromebook in their classrooms.  Additionally, students have exposure to 3D printing, coding, and robotics, especially through the Media activity class they attend weekly.

Our outstanding faculty and staff strive to “empower and inspire all students for success”.  The NWES staff prides itself on developing strong relationships with students while challenging them to meet their full academic potential through high expectations for all.  Families, as well as business and community partners, are encouraged to engage in volunteer activities through both our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) and SAC (School Advisory Council). Join us on our journey as we are:        


School Hours

Take In Time:
7:30 AM
Dismissal Time:
2:00 PM
Main Telephone Line:
(863) 773-2183

Registration Information

Items necessary for Kindergarten Registration:

  1. Record of Immunizations

  2. Health physical (within one year of school entry)

  3. Child's original birth certificate 4. Child's Social Security Card (if available)

Additional Notes

Students are tardy at 7:35. Please make every effort to have your student at school on time and for all day. Instruction at NWES runs from bell-to-bell.